Been trying for a ” lima bean

Parkston, SD (US)
Created 19 hours ago
Fertility Treatments

Been trying for a ” lima bean

by Stacey Hudson

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $7,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 363

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $7,500.00 Goal
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Parkston, SD (US)

Stacey Hudson is organizing this fundraiser.

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Campaign Story

Hello All, here is a little bit about us. My name is Stacey my Husband’s name is Skipp. We have been trying for about 5 years for a “lil lima bean” as we say. My husband is allergic to peanuts so we didn’t feel right about saying “little peanut” lol. I have PCOS, (polycystic ovarian syndrome) one ovary and one tube, which happens to be collapsed and unfortunately can’t be fixed. I did get pregnant in 2023 with twins but miscarried at 5 weeks & 7 weeks, after that we haven’t been able to get pregnant again, then we found out my one and only tube is collapsed, the Dr. Said it was a miracle i got pregnant but the chances of getting pregnant again is less then 1%. We have decided to try IVF fingers crossed, we are trying really hard not to just give up but we are getting close, a friend of ours suggested gift of parenthood so we are giving this a try. 😊

Just want to thank you all for reading our little story about our journey so far. 😊

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